Sunday 5 December 2010

Not your usual Friday night...

I had planned to host a Christmas Cookie Exchange party for months now. I sent out the invitations a month ago and had my replies (and copies of recipes) two weeks ago. The big night finally arrived and we had a fab time. As you can see, we had a lovely collection of Christmas baked goods that we split and shared with each other.
While I was busy partying with my friends, I sent Matt to the local surgery (medical clinic) with Emily, who has been feeling ill for a couple days. Her temp was quite high (104+) and she had a red, splotchy rash all over. The doctor looked her over, suspected a type of strep infection and thought that we should take her into the hospital immediately. So, I finished up the party, did a bit of clean up and then met up with Matt over at the hospital later that night. Matt came home with Amy and I stayed the night (and all the next day) at hospital with Emily.
I should also mention that the new hospital just opened its Pediatric unit 2 days ago, so things were a bit hectic. Doctors' security badges wouldn't work, the nurses didn't know where things were, and Reception was a mess. Despite all that, we managed to have really helpful staff that worked all through the night to help us determine what was plaguing our little Emily.
After a long night of blood tests, x-rays, and cultures, it was determined that she indeed had a strep infection that had somehow gotten into her blood (as opposed to being localized in the throat) - hence, the red rash, high temp., etc. Treatment? Antibiotics. A little tricky since she is allergic to penicillin, but an alternative was located. She had IV meds administered over a 24-hour period whilst in hospital, and now she continues with oral meds at home over the next few days. Recovery is expected to take anywhere from 5-10 days, but we are so glad she is on the mend! Hooray for modern medicine (and a nice, new hospital)!
And can I just say... the best part was I didn't have to sign any papers, pay any co-pays, fill out insurance papers or pay anything.  NOTHING.  And no horrendous bills will show up 4-6 months from now. How great is that?

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